Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The touch of music is felt not only in happiness but through intense anger.

Paypal customer service, there is a lesson you need to learn.

The purpose behind blasting music at a customer while they're on hold is simple.  It makes the wait less stagnant and grueling, but it also makes the wait time seem shorter.  However, as I write this, I am on hold with Paypal customer service because their shipping label printing system is horribly broken; let me tell you, the music they are playing is one of the most horrible pieces of piano score known to man.  It makes me want to ride a horse bareback, with a thousand daggers in my pants, into a two thousand foot deep spike pit.  It makes my skin crawl, and it makes me want to die.  Most of all, however, it is making the wait seem so damn long, because all I'm thinking about is UUUAGH I WANT TO STAB THE MAN WHO COMPOSED THIS.  This music would be appropriate if it was blaring from the speakers of a nitro-methane-fueled ice cream truck hate-machine driving between death-pits in the depths of hell.

.....Oh, an answer.  Guess who that was?  Ebay customer service.  

Paypal decided they would not only torture me with the devil's own piano work, but then they would transfer me away from their dumb asses to talk to some Arabian man who doesn't give two shits from four shits about what I'm calling for.

Why is blogger doing this?  Everything is invisible!  Look at this crap:

Whatever.  Better email my buyer and tell him Paypal's thumb is so far up their ass that I have to go get a tow clamp and pickup truck for some pulling work before I can ship him his purchase.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The battlefield is traditionally dominated not by the best soldier, but by the largest gun.

Truer words never spoken.

Yeah, I got myself a Benelli Nova 12ga pump action, to supplement my Ruger 10/22, and continue building my collection.  This past weekend, I went out to my great friend Zach's ranch, and we sent some rounds down-range.  See the video after the jump.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Shall we continue to speak highly of the average human lifespan knowing how many years are lost to sleep?

Because I'd love to cut my sleep down to about a quarter of what it is now.

No, I'm not going crazy.  Well, maybe I am, but that isn't prompting this statement.

A while back (read: several years) I learned through word of mouth (the internet) about a special life-hack called the Uberman sleep schedule.  You can read more about that at

This consists of reducing your sleep period from 8 long, useless hours of wasted time every day to TWO HOURS.  Apparently taking 20 minute naps six times a day forces your mind to freak the hell out and start getting only REM sleep.  Now, what experts currently think they know about sleep is that REM sleep is the period where all the rejuvenating effects of a night's crash come from.  Can you imagine, not only gaining an extra six hours of waking time every day, but also getting a half-hour more of REM sleep than the average person?  This is something that interests me slightly more than 'a whole lot.'

I, like many others, find that there simply isn't enough time in the day to take care of all the things that need to be taken care of.  I have learned recently about the whole "studying" business, and it is definitely a time commitment.  If only I could study, like the writer of that linked article, between 3A.M. and 7A.M., and leave my social life none the wiser?  Now that's a feat I can invest in.

Should I do it now?  No.  I actually can do without two weeks of being a total zombie minus-the-flesh-loss, and instead opt to try it out later; say, over the summer.  Any progress made on that front, however, will surely find its way here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Technology in the hands of those without need often seems either excessive, or miraculous.

The title is completely irrelevant to the post.  I was going to close that line with "However, in the hands of those with need, it seems to all-to-frequently fail."

The iPhone is a perfect example of that title statement.  If you haven't ever seen an iPhone before... well, get the hell out of your house, or at least get your house some internet access, and stop magically reading this blog.  However, the point still stands.  For someone who has never seen the iPhone before, it is a piece of total sorcery.  How is my finger interacting with this glowing platter of mystical excellence?  That's what an iPhone-virgin would ask.

The only thing I ask about it is, why the hell would you make a phone that sucks at making calls?

Seriously, the iPhone does perfectly just about every single thing you could possibly imagine, except being a phone.  If you are in a moving vehicle (Get off the phone while you're driving, by the way.  That's a whole different blog topic), you cannot make calls on this device.  If you are in a building with any number of floors, you cannot make calls on this device.  If you climb a cell tower and put your whole body on one of the antennas (do not do this), you still cannot make calls on this device.

Obviously, I'm exaggerating; the problem is, I'm not exaggerating all that much.

And why does every iPhone case make the headphone port so damned small?

Monday, February 7, 2011

The beginning anew for those with purpose shall be henceforth described as "prior misdirection".

The title's not a famous person quote or anything.  I think it sounds epic though.

Alright.  I am blogging.

This event stems from the fact that on the "Blog Created" screen, between the buttons "Customize how the blog looks" and "Start blogging", the latter happened to be the larger, more obvious one.
Mainly, however, the creation of this blog stems from the fact that I find myself in between classes every day with not enough time for work, but too much time to exercise advanced motor skills such as thumb-twiddling.

I didn't know until now that this site is owned by Google.  Wow.  If the internet was based on market shares, Google has monopolized the industry.  I can click between multiple sites in a row, wonder, "How am I logged into these sites?", and then realize, oh, it's because Google owns all of them.
Cool, now I'm going to be self-centered for a minute and introduce myself.  I'm Scott, a teenager-turned-University-student in Texas.  Currently I work as a technician (The IT Guy, that's me).  I play a little guitar, and my hobbies include building and maintaining computers, and the same with firearms.  Also among my hobbies is sarcasm.

Alright, now that I have four obviously-divided and loosely formatted paragraphs, you can tell that I am a total neat freak.  But what do I blog about?  What is a typical blog supposed to be about?

What the hell is a blog?

Time to hit up Wikipedia.

Okay, turns out it's a portmanteau of the words "web log".  Yeah, I should have known that, but my generation won't surprise me at all if the word "blog" finds it's way into the dictionary, itself.

Ah, yes.

According to both Wikipedia and the freaking dictionary, a blog is where I can come to express my thoughts and reflect.
In order to do these things, I must not only know what I am thinking, but I must also paint myself silver.

Ah, reflect figuratively.  I see.

Well, today, I'm thinking it's been hella-cold recently, but I'm surviving like thousands of years of evolution have taught me and everybody else how to:  find a damn house and go inside there.  Now you might think that, nowadays, this "house" concept can be extrapolated to "buildings-in-general", and therefore "the workplace", but server rooms are actually quite chilly, if you didn't know.  So right now I'm heading out of the cold air and into the slightly less-cold office for work, the temperature of which is well-compensated-for by the fact that I love my job.  So, goodbye for now.  More to come later!

P.S. I think I'm going to have to title every blog entry with a 'bardarse-sounding' sentence of my own design.  Feel free to leave comments about your emotions regarding the titles if the entry itself fails to spark conversation.